Hi guys! What do you do when it rains cats and dogs all week and you are stuck in the house with 4 kiddos? Watch every Harry Potter movie, eat tons of popcorn and fudgesicles, work on puzzles and PAINT!

I am excited to share that I have finally finished the Armoire and now love it! More importantly, Buttercup LOVES it too!
You guys were so encouraging this week with your advice and help!
Read Part 1: Buttercup’s Armoire HERE.
Read Part 2: Armoire Progression HERE.
I decided to paint it back to the original Behr Crisp White paint on the outside with Behr Lavender on the inside and couldn’t be happier.
Both paints were what we had on hand so $0 dollars there!

I tried not to purchase too much extra to keep my cost low so I embellished the top doors with some crosses that I purchased for $3 each at Walmart back in December.

Not sure if you remember but I originally used them on some Christmas packages for our KidzSpace decor.
They had a light coat of glitter that I quickly sanded off.
The cross on the left has some glitter and the cross on the right is lightly sanded.

I used some Quick Drying Epoxy glue,taped them to the doors to secure them into place while drying. I let them dry for about an hour.

I painted them white to match the doors but was not impressed with the gaps around the edges.
I just filled them in with paintable caulk, very easy and then another coat of white allover.
See the gaps…

The caulk sealed up the edges very nicely, I was pleased.
On the inside, I attached and painted a dowel rod for use as a clothes hanger.

I painted the inside of the doors with chalkboard paint and then scribbled away.

I even had a little bit of help!

Just enough room to store her pretty clothes!

I used the original hinges after I stripped them of all of the silver paint,found cute floral doorknob hardware at Pier One.
And to bring back the Barney color that she originally adored, I found two Deep Purple tassels at Tuesday Morning that fit the bill perfectly!

Now Buttercup’s happy and Momma’s happy!!!

Again, thank you for all of your suggestions. You sure are a creative bunch of friends!

The Rundown:
Armoire: $20
Sandpaper: $5
Paint Stripper: $11
Hardware: $20/4
Tassels: $10/pr
Total: $61
I hope you agree that the Final Outcome looks Great!
Happy Treasure Hunting!
That turned out great!
Thanks! 🙂
I like this better, definitely! Excellent!
Definitely better!!
Love it – the bright white really makes it look so finished and the crosses were an inspired idea! (pun intended of course)
WOW an awesome job, love the crosses and tassels, it really turned out great, love it!!!
I just found you thru You Are Talking Too Much (I just linked up too) and am your newest follower!
Your armoire looks amazing!! And I LOVE your header photo-hilarious!
must love junk
That turned out just too cute Tami!
You did a great job. Love the chalkboard on the inside
Wow this is LOVELY! What a surprise when you open the doors!