What a great week it has been for me – I hope you are feeling the same way!
I am excited to share with you this fun project I made –
Chunky Wood Gingerbread Couple!
They sure would be cute to display at my Gingerbread House Decorating Party next month but I have other plans for them…
I made them for a friend. I am a member of a fun blogger group called the One Power Tool Challenge Team where we blog about our monthly theme by using the power tool assigned. This month is our Secret Santa month so I chose the jigsaw! At the end of the challenge I am sending it to one of my blogging friends in the group! I hope she loves them!
Here’s a quick rundown of how I made them:.
1 Jigsaw
Scrap Piece of Wood (mine was oak)
Sandpaper and Sanding Block
Wide Masking Tape
Minwax English Walnut Stain
Minwax Spray Poly
White Paint Pen
Red Paint Pen
2 Black Beads
1 Roll of Ribbon
Glue Gun and Glue
Rhinestone Button
That sounds like a lot but most of the supplies I already had on hand.
- Tape the entire board (both sides) with wide masking tape. This ensures that the wood does not split during cutting.
- Choose an inspiration pattern and print out or trace it directly off of the computer.
- Cut out the pattern and then trace around it on the board.
- Cut out the Gingerbread Man shape with the jigsaw.
- Pull off the masking tape and sand the entire piece until smooth.
- Stain the cutouts.
I did all of the above steps twice since I made a Gingerbread Couple!
Now the fun part – Decorate!
These were so fun to make.

Be sure and check out more fun Secret Santa ideas at these other blogs! var _rssimg = document.getElementById(‘wpImg581331′); if(_rssimg) { _rssimg.style.display=’none’; }function __inlinkzEndsWith(str, substr) { return (str.match(substr+”$”)==substr) } function __inlinkzToggleVis(divId, divId2) { var el = document.getElementById(divId); var inl = document.getElementById(divId2); if(el.style.display==’block’) { el.style.display = ‘none’; el.style.visiblity = ‘hidden’; inl.style.display = ‘block’; } else { el.style.visiblity = ‘visible’; inl.style.display = ‘none’; el.style.display = ‘block’; } } function __inlinkzIsImage(aTextField) { var elem = document.getElementById(aTextField); _str = elem.value; check = __inlinkzEndsWith(_str,”.jpg”) || __inlinkzEndsWith(_str,”.png”) || __inlinkzEndsWith(_str,”.JPG”) || __inlinkzEndsWith(_str,”.PNG”) || __inlinkzEndsWith(_str,”.JPEG”) || __inlinkzEndsWith(_str,”.jpeg”); if (!check) { return false; } else { return true; } } function checksize(elemId, size) { if(size>0) { var element = document.getElementById(elemId); var text = element.value; if(text.length>=size) { text = text.substring(0,size); window.alert(“Maximum chars: ” + size); } element.value = text; } } function __inlinkzCheckFieldOK(aTextField) { var elem = document.getElementById(aTextField); if ((elem.value.length==0) || (elem.value==null)) { return false; } else { return true; } }function __inlinkzCheckIfEmpty581331() { if(__inlinkzCheckFieldOK(“__inlinkzLink581331”) && __inlinkzCheckFieldOK(“__inlinkzDesc581331”) && __inlinkzCheckFieldOK(“__inlinkzEmail581331”)) { return true; } else { window.alert(“All fields must be completed”); return false; } }
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Thanks for joining us!
P.S. Don’t forget that our Holiday Gift Guides are live in full force with 30+ bloggers curating over 60 Gift Guides for your shopping convenience! Click HERE to see more!
P.P.S. Here are some items that I used for my Gingerbread Couple, found on Amazon (afflink)
Tami, These are adorable! Love the added touches of decorating them too, especially the rhinestone button on Mrs Gingerbread. Great tip about taping the wood so it doesn't split too! Hugs! Wendi @H2OBungalow
These are adorable! What fun to display them and they would fit with any decor!
The gingerbread people are the cutest things ever! You did an awesome job and you are much better with a jigsaw than I am – the jigsaw and I have issues… Love these!
Tami these are ADORABLE! You rock the jigsaw working on small pieces! I find the smaller the cuts the harder it is for me. Love how you embellished them too.
Cute! Can you make a couple life size ones now? They would look awesome greeting people at the door.
Your chunky gingerbread men are so cute!!!
These are adorable, Tami! If they were mine, I think they would live propped up on my kitchen counter. I am sad that I missed this challenge!
I feel like a winner! This gingerbread couple is the cutest and are now part of my Christmas kitchen decor! Thank you so much – I love them! xo