This was a great Easter. I was so excited to see my Easter Lillies grow and bloom this year. They are all so pretty. I am even more excited to tell you about our new garden – our Butterfly Garden.
Weeks ago our kids got a kick out of looking at pictures of our friend, Diane’s butterfly garden. A few days later she dropped off a little gift for our family – It was five small Milkweed plants. She made sure to point out that there was a huge caterpillar in there along with many little eggs so to try and replant them quickly. I am usually not a green thumb but Milkweed is drought tolerant so I thought why not give it a shot.
We planted them right underneath Buttercup’s window so that she could watch over them without disturbing them. I also added a cute little butterfly garden stake that I happened to find on the curb a few years ago.
We named it our Butterfly Garden and she even named her caterpillar Bubba, after her brother. Not sure where that came from but cute anyway.
Slowly the caterpillars grew, the plants grew and in order to keep up I felt like our garden needed to grow as well. The little caterpillars were eating the leaves nonstop till there we no more leaves. I teased when I spoke with Diane saying I was going to blame her when My Love has a cow over the plant bill. You know it led to me buying more Milkweed plants, additional flowering plants, more mulch, a cute flag, stepping stones, and a metal water fountain.
Pre-mulch here:
Those caterpillars were set! Those little guys have plenty to eat now! Funny thing, all of my kids would come running in after school checking up on the caterpillars, I even became obsessed started to count our caterpillars every moment I could. It kind of became our little project.
Notice the garden finial that I found back in the fall at a garage sale. He got a fresh new coat of paint as well. It was white when I found him
I am in love with blue plumbago plants!
Those little caterpillar boogers ate and ate and ate to their little hearts’ content until they were stuffed silly. Then they were missing and we were worried for awhile, until we looked up and noticed they were busy at work making their chrysalis. How exciting! We are in picture overload now so bear with me…
Look at how amazing it is that you can see the butterfly forming in the cocoon!
And then on Easter Sunday it was truly a gift to experience the birth of a beautiful new butterfly!
Not only one, but two. More of a joy to watch the excitement on my childrens’ faces as they experienced and enjoyed nature…no tv, no video games, no junk food, no fighting…just pure joy!
I had no idea how much I would truly enjoy this gift, what an amazing gift it was. I look forward to watching everything grow and bloom, including the smiles that go along with it.
Thanks Diane!
Reminds me of the ultimate gift of our Savior and beautiful renewal and peace. What a blessing to have this reminder on Easter.
Happy Treasure Hunting!

What a sweet post. I bet your kids will remember the butterfly garden for the rest of their lives.
Oh, Tami, this is wonderful! What a beautiful experience for your kids! And your garden looks so pretty!
Here's something great that you may not have known. The milkweed plants are either annuals that reseed themselves or perenials that regrow every year. Your butterflies more than likely will return and lay eggs again and your family will be able to enjoy this all over again.
Tami, I agree with Maria. Such a great time for your kids and you. Can't wait to see more. Helen
I bought a passion flower a few years ago in a daft attempt to achieve butterflies. However, the caterpillars ate the plant and that was that. Your success renews my desire to make it happen! Thanks for the tips. Also your pictures are beautiful!