Hi friends! Today is Themed Furniture Makeover Day! I am excited to share with you my Curb Alert! Trash to Treasure Sewing Chair now turned Glitz and Glam Stool! Whew! That was a mouthful!

It all started with this sad old chair that I found on the side of the road, yes the Side of the Road!
“Free Ninety Free” as my sweet friend, Sherry would say!

Please be sure and click over to see it all Glammed up, and then be sure to visit my other DIY Furniture Makeover Girls projects – I am sure they are all decked out glamorous and fabulous!

I chose black for the base and then added a little trinket piece that I found for a dollar at the thrift shop. I like the tiny touch of glam that it adds to the piece.

I won’t make you wait any longer – here it all all dolled up! A true Trash to Treasure piece fit for a Queen.