How To Make Angel Wings From Coffee Filters

I’m so excited today! These gorgeous angel wings can brighten your home for years to come. While most people might use something like this at Christmas, I love displaying them throughout the year: a reminder that my guardian angel is always with me. I’m going to share with you how to make angel wings from coffee filters.

DIY angel wings made with coffee filters

I’ll be upfront: it will take some time and dedication to make these. But I promise you, you’ll cherish these for years to come.

This project came about several years ago during a Christmas Home Tour where I joined other bloggers in decorating our homes with projects inspired by the Twelve Days of Christmas. It was a lot of fun.

Today I am sharing Seven Swans a Swimming! How did I come up with Angel Wings for Seven Swans a Swimming, you ask?

It all started when I read this poem:

The Swan - Poem

I love how swans exude grace and elegance. Their wings are a stunning display of beauty.

Swan couple

I was totally inspired by how angelic they are!

Here’s how I made them.

How To Make Angel Wings From Coffee Filters

I used a super-sized piece of cardboard from the box that our new mattress was delivered in – perfect timing! My little model is over 4 feet tall and wanted to pose with it for reference.

Cardboard I used

I drew a wing on one side and then cut it out with an Exacto knife (like this one).

Tracing wings on cardboard

Later, I folded over the wing and traced it onto the other side so that they would be symmetrical.

My design of the wings

Next, I folded the coffee filters and started gluing them with hot glue, starting at the bottom of the wings and then working my way up.


I put together this simple tutorial graphic to show you how I did it.

Coffee filter angel wings tutorial

Coffee filter angel wings instructions

Fold the coffee filters into quarters, crease into a triangle at the bottom, hot glue onto the cardboard, two thousand, two hundred times! Yes, that’s right!

You could probably even get away with a lot cheaper supplies by purchasing the coffee filters at the dollar store!

I’m not going to lie, many hours and many glue gun burns later I worked my way up the wings until they were finally, finally as beautiful as I envisioned they would be.


Partly done wings

I tucked each folded filter in tight next to the previous one and worked my way across the wings.

Here I what the side looked like before I finished it off with pretty edges:

Wings side/edge

Finally, I made a pretty finishing edge by laying them flat around the sides and then tucking them around the back.

The back of the wings

Put on some great holiday music, place some cookies in the oven and keep your eye on the prize! They will be beautiful – I promise!

Angel wings on display

They look so stunning on top of my DIY Knockoff Faux Card Catalog that I showcased in our Knockoff Tour.

Fron of wings, displayed on my faux card calatog

And since they were made with the mattress box, I thought it might be fitting to place them over our bed, although hubby is on the fence about it so they may not stay for long.

The angel wings displayed above our bed

I just keep reminding him, “Happy Wife, Happy Life!” hee hee! Lucky for me, he usually puts up with my decor shenanigans – Bless his Heart!

I do what she says pillow

If you’d like one of those pillows (yeah, I knew some of you might like it!), Amazon has a similar one here.

How to make angel wings from coffee filters. #algels #angelcrafts #angelwings #angelcraft #coffeefiletercrafts

Display from the side

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30 thoughts on “How To Make Angel Wings From Coffee Filters”

    • Hi, Tami! I’m in the process of making these for a heaven sent themed baby shower and will add a photo soon. But how did you get it hung on the wall?

  1. This is an absolutely stunning project. I am so very very impressed. Gorgeous and resourceful in every way! Wow is all I can say! I'm so glad we did this tour to see all these wonderful ideas!

  2. This is totally gorgeous and I love it over your bed with your awesome pillows!!! I have a Facebook page called Angels at My Door with 50,000 followers and I know they will love these wings.

  3. I love these! Can you please show a close up of the folded filter and how they’re applied together on the wings? I can’t see the detail and can’t seem to enlarge the photos. Thanks so much!

  4. Stunning!! I’m curious if you think the filters would hold some spray paint very well. Maybe a bit of glitter to the edges. Your thoughts?

    • I haven’t tried that. But you could try it on a separate cluster of filters, and see how it works. I think a little bit of glitter to the edges should work. Let me know if you try it.


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