Hi guys! Thanks so much to my blog friends that have graciously taken over Curb Alert! for the past few weeks. It has been so delightful reading through all of your posts and I am excited to share even more from them during the next few weeks! Here is a little recap so far:
The Baby Bed:
Lately I have been in a bit of project withdrawal so instead of carrying the Baby Bed pieces up into the attic I decided to do a quick makeover instead!
Here is the before:
It has a sticker on it for $5 but last summer when I inquired about it the woman at the garage sale gave it to me for free. I loved the little details and how it is heavy solid wood (another reason I didn’t want to carry it up the attic stairs).

I have kept it for the intention of painting it to match Buttercup’s new room so I quickly grabbed a can of spray-paint and had a little fun! I am going to use it as a little decorative railing and hope
it will go well with a few things we already have. Here’s a few hints of what I am using in her room:
Mermaid Picture. You can read more about her in my Gypsy Blue Mermaid Post:

Thanks for hanging in there with me and on a more important note – WOW! I have to turn the news off because hearing one more story about the storms is breaking my heart to pieces. Hug your loved ones and join me in sending a little prayer up to those that have been affected by all of the recent storm devastation!

glad your still sneaking in and checking up on everyone, Oh I bet your having withdrawl on not creating , thank you again for sharing my work on your blog ,cant wait to see your next project complete !!!
I"ve seen some fun things you can make from a bed crib on Pinterest. I'm excited to see what you do. I like the blue.