My friend Kim commissioned a headboard bench from me and guess what color she chose?
Of course, she chose the popular Annie Sloan Duck Egg Blue paint color with a bit of distressing.
I don’t mind really, it never gets old. Who can resist that pretty color?

There were a few problems in the beginning stages of this one. A major sanding operation revealed some major repairs.
I have to admit, I love the building stages but not a big fan of the repairing. I am a bit of a perfectionist so it’s difficult for me to leave something “as is”.

Those damaged spindles had to go – that made me sad.
I put the project on hold due to sick kids, freezing weather, husband hogging my garage space
(thank goodness Kim is patient!, very patient!)
I decided to put a plain back board on it and used this iron piece that formerly lived in my Breakfast Room.

I dry brushed a bit of the duck egg blue, attached it to the back of the bench and it now looks like it belonged there all along!

Here is the bottom side. I am proud that it is now completely reinforced (as all of my headboard benches are) and is finished off almost as well as the top side.
I protected the entire thing with Minwax Polycrylic Semi Gloss that gives it a beautiful deeper shine.
I am sure loving my Kreg Jig on these projects, check out those pocket holes!
It makes for a much cleaner look.

So what do you think about Kim’s Bench?
I hope she loves it!

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gorgeous as is all you do xx
Tami, you did a fabulous job with this piece. Beautiful color!
I love this i want to build one!