This MOM has been on TIMEOUT! I have really missed you guys! It’s so funny how a silly little blog can bring someone so much happiness.

It has been three weeks since my last post and I have been one busy girl trying to prepare our home to sell all by myself since hubby has already relocated to his new job. There are some important tasks at hand that needed our urgent attention so thanks for sticking around during my self -imposed haitus.
My brain has been obsessing and sadly enough also dreaming about this…our now four page “To Do” list and I am pleased to say that we have finally completed EVERY STINKIN’ ITEM on it and it FEELS SOOOOOO GOOD!

I am now physically and mentally exhausted but today I heard these words from my four year old, Buttercup, “Mommy, we never played tea party on our new tea party table”
I felt shameful, I felt so bad that the last few weeks we have been so so busy working on the house, all of us, that we have forgotten to breathe. During all of the chaos she reminded me of the really important things in my life…spending quality time with our family!
So today I pushed aside the 5 loads of laundry and I decided to put myself on timeout (but in a good way).
Put away the chore list and take a timeout from it all.
Put away the chore list and take a timeout from it all.
She was right, remember this old end table makeover that I posted about a month or so ago?

Well it was originally intended to be the tea party table but I kind of took over the project and made it into my very own little personal side table.
Today I decided to give it back to Buttercup so she can enjoy it for what she wanted! Well she wanted it Barney puke Purple but I tried as best as I could to make her happy.

We went to the store and picked out a “real” tea party set. She loved it right away.

We had fun setting up the little pieces and sipping tea lemonade together…

We chatted together…

We rearranged it all to get it just right!

And sipped more lemonade…and chocolate milk…and water…and whatever else she could find to pour into the little cups.

We both had a great time and she is one happy little girl. It was just what I needed.

And tomorrow back to reality. Our house goes on the market!
Wish me luck!

I am sharing this post over at Thrifty Decor Chick

Well the outside of your house looks perfect so I imagine the inside is as well. How lovely to sip tea at that sweet, little table with that sweet, little girl!
Hello there busy bee!! I bet you have been going 100 mph over there! Well it's good to hear from you and your house looks beautiful! I know you'll have great luck selling it! 😉
Girl your house looks amazing, and seeing her smile over her mommy tea party made me smile . I sat here on each picture and aweeeing saying awe so sweet. I know you had fun.. YOUR a beautiful and great mommy and she is such a happy little girl .. LOVE ya and Prayers and putting it in my prayer journal that your house goes fast sister… TOODLES
What a precious post. The pictures of your Buttercup are so sweet.
You're right, the facade of the new house looks a lot like your current home. Keep up posted on the sell!
The laundry can wait, (yes, I realize this is the name of my blog) but tea parties can't! I'm so glad you and your little cutie-pie made this memory today. Your house looks great!! The curb appeal is definitely there. I know all your hard work will pay off.
I always wanted a tea set like that when I was little. What wonderful memories you made today.
missed you to, was wondering how things were going with you, as beautiful as your house is inside and out you wont have a prblem selling it, so sweet that you and your Daughter had time together, very important. good luck !!!!
It turned out beautiful! I love the design of the nautical rose? Black painted furniture is so rich. Nice makeover!
Good luck my friend! You are a GREAT momma!!!
PS I think that house/yard looks freakin' amazing!