Happy Valentine’s Day!
What do those words mean to you? To me it means that the ones that love me “get me”. They know what makes me smile and many times it’s just the
Simple Things
that mean the most to me.
This is a little off-topic of your typical Valentine post but valentines day is about love and I happen to LOVE these guys.

Outdoor Wood Deer
I drive by them every day after I drop off my little ones at school. Is it silly that I look forward to seeing them? No matter what kind of day I am having I catch myself smiling when I drive by. They cheer me up!
They have only been there for a few years but I love that they have a story to them. Actually the entire tree was there before, and was destroyed by Hurricane Ike in 2008. I know this property was hit by an 11ft storm surge and was damaged by flooding pretty bad. The trees around it suffered so much damage it was heartbreaking. Is it strange when I drive by that I have this conversation in my head… “Honey…When are you going to clean up that fallen tree mess?” “I know dear, I will” *sound of chainsaw running*…and look at what he came up with.
How clever!
How clever!

Aren’t they cute?
I know it’s silly but what a fun way of making lemonade out of lemons!

…and their little
Tree Stump House?
How adorable!

Well after driving by this home for three years now (and smiling) this morning I got brave and knocked on the door. I had to meet the owner and creater. His name is Donny better known as “Mr Keebler”. He says people refer to it as the “Keebler House”
It now makes sense.

It was such an honor to meet him and his wife and I was thrilled that he agreed to pose in front of the tree. We talked a bit and spoke about our little neck of the woods and why we love this town. I hope yo don’t mind me sharing more of “our town” as I am moving soon and don’t want to forget anything about it, especially the people that make living here so special!
Thank you Donny, Mr. Keebler! It was such a joy to finally meet you!
Like I said, I look forward to seeing the deer every day.
It’s the simple things that make me smile – and now I met some new friends.
I love my little Curb Alert! life!
I love my little Curb Alert! life!
And don’t get me wrong, I still love the roses, and chocolates, and jewelry that MyLove gives to me (well used to give me, not it’s a box of chocolates and a card but that’s okay) Whenever he comes up with simple things like what this husband did (and he does), it really makes my heart skip a beat.
Maybe you will see little deer in our yard in the future!
Have a great day!
Super cute! They would make me smile too!
really cute,thanks for sharing with us, enjoyed it !!!
What a sweet post. These kinds of stories are the good stuff of life. I hated seeing all of the destruction by Ike…in my own home and down south. Galveston did something similar and made sculptures out of the destroyed trees.
I'm so glad you knocked on Mr. Keebler's door.
Those deer are precious and I love the little house too! You're right that's a great way to turn the situation into something positive. Precious! thanks for sharing!
Tami – those are so cute! Im going to show them to my husband and see if he can whip me up some! 🙂
Oh, Tammy! This is just the neatest, cutest idea I have ever seen! What a beautiful way to preserve what was left of the tree. It would make me smile also to see them every day. How are you doing with your moving preparations? Have a great week!