I love Valentine’s Day, don’t you? I love it more so because my favorite color is red. It’s so fun to see the red and pinkness overload in all the stores and everyone around us! It’s even more fun to be in love and find so much beauty in all of the cheerfulness and happiness that comes along with that giddy feeling. Yes, I still feel giddy when my husband surprises me with a gift. He’s a pretty sentimental guy so his gifts come with a lot of thought and meaning…still makes me blush! That makes me happy…

…and red just exudes that fun happy feeling for me!
I thought today I would share some of my past red furniture and crafty makeovers with you but for fun will first share the “before” shots just so you can see how any old brown piece can come to life with a little bit of “lipstick” and a whole lot of RED.
My favorite red piece is this Annie Sloan Chalk Painted Dresser and hutch that I painted in Emporer’s Silk (Red) for my daughter. She loves it in her room and I love that it makes me smile every time I walk in there!

You know by now that I love benches and remember this one? Well it’s stunning in Rustoleum Colonial Red and I couldn’t help but give it to my daughter as well! It’s so precious now in it’s new vibrant color! See why I named her Peppermint Pattie!

Okay, so can you guess what color this Chandelier ended up with? Well of course it’s now red and just seeing it again in pictures makes me long for spring…check it out and see what I mean! You’re going to love it, I promise!

Wow! Eight bucks for that chandelier was a steal but what’s even better is FREE. Ever seen those discarded pallets on the side of the road? Well how about next time pick up a few to make this amazing Red Outdoor Pallet Patio Table! If you have these tools on hand it is a cinch!

Thank goodness my kiddos love the color as much as I do because when my son asked me to decorate his room in karate themed decor I kind of went overboard with the red. Check out the entire room reveal with some easy diy projects HERE!

A red can of paint goes a long way and luckily I had enough Annie Sloan Chalk paint in Emperor’s Silk to update this little old desk into a stunning Little Red School Desk! The “after” is adorable if I do say so myself!

There’s so many more red projects on the blog so if you are feeling inclined to see them just hop over to my Project Gallery Page where there are lot’s of red cheerful goodness that I hope will inspire you! There’s lots of other color paint goodness there too so don’t fret if you are not a “red” fan!
And finally I leave you with these shutters that my neighbor gave to me. Yep, you guessed it, I painted them red and transformed them into Stunning Red Shutter Decor!

I hope you enjoyed my Red makeovers. I am thrilled to share them with you as it has kind of been a little trip down Curb Alert! memory lane! It has also felt a bit like an extension of Valentine’s Day which is great in my book!
Have a super day! I am looking forward to sharing some new makeovers with you soon!
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