Bless Your Heart Texas. You have been through so much lately.
So much rain
So much flooding
So much loss
So much sadness.
You have been on my mind.
I cannot help it, I love Texas and cannot imagine
myself wanting to live in any other place right now.
Right before the month long torrential downpours I picked up this old Full Sized Jenny Lind bed from a friend for a ridiculous $30, my kind of bargain.
But there was a catch, it was broken. Can you see where? Someone had sawed the headboard in half and then tried to screw it back together with some metal plates. Kindof shabby I think, there’s got to be a prettier and sturdier fix.
And so it began, my week of transforming this old bed into a beautiful bench.
5 days
In the garage
Listening to the rains and the storms
Listening to the radio broadcasts of my poor Texas under flooding waters and raging rivers.
We were the lucky ones, our schools were delayed many mornings but our town’s damage was minor compared to the rest of the state. They were not so lucky and I find myself grieving for them.
Thank goodness the storms have passed! And with a bit of work and determination we can pick up the pieces and put everything back together again, this time with even stronger bonds that will not be easily broken.
Sometimes our tragedies make us stronger and bolder and even more beautiful than before. It’s a new beginning, like a fresh coat of paint.
Annie Sloan Old White
Minwax Dark Walnut
Minwax Polyeurethane
And there is always hope in the Lord’s words…
When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you;
Your troubles will not overwhelm you,
When you pass through fire, you will not be burned;
The hard trials that come will not hurt you.
Isaiah 43:2
We may not understand why horrible things happen…but again, there is always hope.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding;
In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
So Bless Your Heart Texas! I am honored to call you Home!
May the Lord Bless you and keep you;
May his face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
May He lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace!
Numbers 6:24-26
God Bless Texas!
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i live in tn but my heart has been heavy for texas, i am sure she will fight her way back xx
Your new bench is gorgeous…great transformation!
It sure has been a long Spring for TX. We are hoping the rain stays away for a bit. Love your new bench. It is gorgeous. xxx Maria
The bench turned out so pretty. I am anxious to build my first one, but have never found the bed that will fit together right.
Yes, here in the Texas hill country we need it to dry out just a little and then we will welcome more rain. I will not complain. We have had the most beautiful Spring than I can ever remember.
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures