I teased you about this about an hour ago.
Did you figure out what it is?
Would you say “wicker” or “rattan”?
A “sofa” or a “couch”?
I’ll let you be the judge!
I found it this week on the way to dropping off my kids at school. As I mentioned on my facebook page, I DO have standards so I dropped my kids off first and then crossed my fingers that it would be there when I returned.

Well it was! So I grabbed it!
I have ALWAYS wanted some outdoor patio wicker or rattan furniture.
MyLove, not so much!
It was in great shape, no smells, very few rips, tears or fraying and super sturdy. All a plus in my book!
I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it the moment I saw it.
I started working on it right away. I first sprayed it down with some Clorox Cleanup and let it sit out in the sun to dry out. I then started to spray it with black spray paint.

I quickly fell in love with it and guess what? It may be no surprise that I want to keep it!
Should I?
even though I already have enough outdoor benches (I confessed about it here) .

Could I?
even though MyLove HATES anything wicker or rattan! or anything that has a decorative look to it!

Would I?
dare to position myself as one step closer to be categorized as a hoarder?

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda!!!
(I kinda feel like I sound like Dr. Seuss!)
I took a break to contemplate where I would put it in my home or yard when I stumbled upon this scene:

Nooooooooo! that is not yours!
Well shucks! I have now made up my mind darnit Beau!!!, I have to get rid of it.
Another one that will be up for grabs (for a fair price) in my new Renewal Collection.

I definitely like the way it looks now. Much more classier than before!
The pictures don’t do it justice, maybe too much sunlight???

Do you like it?
Happy Treasure Hunting!
It's exactly what I need for my front porch! Could you run that up to Canada for me? ~ Maureen
OMG I love wicker anything!! Looks good in ANY color…wish you lived closer!! Can't believer someone was just throwing it away!!!
great find! I stumble across your blog the other day when you had the fab red shutters! Love your finds and how much fun you seem to be having!
I LOVE the name of your collection! The Renewal Collection…perfect.
Tami, this piece really came out gorgeous! You need to keep it! I have also wanted some wicker furniture forever!
Great job!
Oh my how I love this little sofa. You find the best things on the curb. I love it black, so classy.
Gorgeous renewal project, again.
And I had to laugh, because I was thinking Dr. Seuss, too! But then, who doesn't love Dr. Seuss?
another great find, would look good on my front porch!!!
what a nice revamp! It's amazing how paint can make something look so awesome. Great job!
If you are going to consider a furniture to sofa, I may suggest you to see rattan set. They are fantastic.