Well it’s about darn time I finally post about a furniture makeover. The weather has not been cooperative to work on my larger pieces so in the meantime I decided to do a little makeover on this sweet little number!

Don’t let the sweetness fool you though. She started out looking a bit plain like this:

Did you happen to notice to garage sale bargain price of $5 on the yellow ticket? I was pretty excited about that because lately everyone wants an arm and a leg for used stinky furniture and this piece is in great clean condition.
WooHoo for $5. Here is a similar one online if you are not into used stuff:
The only furniture I have in the entire house that remotely matches it is in my son’s bedroom and he is not the slightest bit interested in it! Luckily I have three girls so I am sure we can find a place for it after a bit of Annie Sloan Old White Chalk Paint and Annie Sloan Clear Wax.
Yep, that’s all it took was just a bit of paint and one afternoon to turn it into something I love – a White Rustic Jewelry Armoire!

Ok, maybe I won’t hush…check out the cute little jewelry box on the inside and all of the great storage!

Hmmm, which one of my girls is going to be the lucky one to get this in her room?
Did you happen to notice the cute Necklace and Earring set in the jewelry box? Leave me a comment below telling me what you think of the armoire and I will randomly choose a winner by Tuesday, March 10th. (can only ship in the U.S. please) The winner will receive the Trades of Hope Kari Jewelry Set – just a little gift from me because I Appreciate You!
**Please note the Jewelry Giveaway is now closed! Thank you to all who entered 🙂

**There are affiliate links in this post. This does not mean that you pay a dime more when you purchase a product through my website links. It just means I made it easier for you to find something, so I make a few cents when you purchase it. I so appreciate your support of the blog Curb Alert! Thank you!
Thanks for reading Curb Alert!
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You did score on that big time! It is gorgeous, I love the color choices!
I love this! Can I win this instead of the jewelry?! 🙂
I love the new look on the jewelry armoire.
What a great buy for $5! It really looks like a different piece after the makeover.
Wow, you did a fantastic job on your makeover. What a sweet deal!
I refinished all of my bedroom furniture and painted them white. Now that I've seen this with the chalk paint, I wish I'd used that instead. It's so cute! Good job!
wow $5 made me fall off my chair, i am with you on way overpriced junk too, but i would have passed on this cutie unless it looked like it does now then i would have knocked people over to get to it…the jewelery is gorgeous also xx
$5 was a heck of a good deal. I would not have pasted it up either. Paint color is great and makes it so versatile as to where it goes. Feel free to consider me a daughter when you get ready to put it in a daughter's room. lol
What a great deal and I love the way you painted it. It looks like a piece I did oaver a year ago on a dresser. I love the shabby look friend. Lovely and the necklace is beautiful too.
Tami, I have one of these and want to paint it, too. Did you sand it first ? The finish on mine seems quite slick and I'm wondering if the chalk paint will stick well. Did you sand after you painted ? It looks really great ! Thank you for a chance at the giveaway! You're a sweetie !!
What a bargain! You were in the right place at the right time!The piece has so much more "personality" since you gave it a makeover. This may sound silly, but she should be called "Jewells" or "Jules". Speaking of jewelry, nice set and thank you for the opportunity to win it!
Oooh, turned out so pretty!!
Love the rustic charm of this, you are so lucky to get it for 5 bucks! I love it when we fall into bargains like that. Great job!
I have one of those hiding in my closet. Time to pull it out and fix it up. And, yes I did notice that cute necklace in that jewel box!
Very neat transformation!
Your jewelry armoire doesn't even look like the same piece! I'm sure your girls will get many years of use out of it.
I have a jewelry armoire I have been wanting to paint but was leery of doing so. Love how yours turned out so may go ahead with mine. Great transformation. Cathy
I think this turned out super cute!
Gorgeous piece!!!
As a new jewelry designer who turn its love for jewelry for something more I know how hard it can be to be noticed or just appreciated.
Fashion Fall Jewelry