Remember the Wicker Brown and Green Chair that I mentioned in my last post, “Back in Business”? Well I have had it on the back burner for awhile until my blog friend Rita @ Curbside Creations set her readers up for a challenge. She challenged us to finish a project in less than a week so that we could all successfully work down our diy “to do” list.
This chair was the perfect candidate. Cheap, ugly old wicker
with some hideous fabric on it. Remember how I said I was not picking up any curb finds out here, well this one might as well be on the curb but no, this girl actually PAID for it a whopping $14. Yes, MyLove was SUPER THRILLED not when I brought it home, I cannot even emphasize it enough!

It’s even more gorgeous, I mean hideous on the back, don’t ya think? Well I kept telling myself that to convince myself I did not make a mistake in buying it.

I had some left over spray paint from my Blue Wicker End Table from a few weeks ago so decided it was going to be blue. I then found some coordinating fabric on super sale at Hobby Lobby and was again headed in the blue direction!

So this is what I did.
Day 1: 15 minutes
I first stripped out all of the upholstry and innards (is innards a word?) Anyway, I cleaned off the chair with Clorox Cleanup, water and a scrub brush and let it sit out in the sun for an afternoon. I just wanted to start off with a super clean slate.
I sprayed three coats of Rust-oleum American Accents Ultra Cover in Satin Lagoon and let it dry in adequate time between coats. That gave me time to do a billion loads of laundry in between! Oh what a fun life I lead!
Day 2: 3 hours

I used the original seat back and seat bottoms from the chair but used brand new foam and batting. I traced around the board and cut all of the foam and batting to size and then stacked in the cushions by using spray glue in between layers until I had it the desired cushyness.

I then cut the fabric a few inches larger than my board form and stapled the fabric about 1/2″ from the edges of the back board and seat board. I then fitted it into the chair to ensure a perfect fit. Thank goodness it fit the first time, I would hate to start over. Did I mention how I no longer like to do upholstery? It’s not too hard but for me just seems a lot more stressful than painting! – just sayin’

I made a template of the backside out of paper and then used it and a jigsaw to cut a piece of wood that we had on hand to make the backside of the chair.

I nailed the board to the backside of the chair and then spray glued on layer of batting to the wood.

I then covered the back with my fabric with a few nail tacks and a glue gun. Of course I barely had enough material to finish so I was cursing up a storm while burning my fingertips with got glue the whole time! Luckily I was home alone so my kiddos don’t think I am a “potty mouth”

I covered the edges with some coordinating trim. I think it definitely gives it a more polished professional look, when in reality it’s covering up a few little errs and mismeasurements!

So do you like it? Do you know someone who would like to buy it because I am putting it in my Renewal Shop along with the little Wicker End Table. Wish me luck!

And thanks Rita @ Curbside Creations for giving me the little kick in the butt to finish a project this week. Otherwise who knows how long I would have put it off!

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What an absolutely beautiful chair. Makes me want to drive 20 hours to adopt it.
Awesome! I love the colors and the pattern on the fabric. I love it!
That really turned out beautiful. You did a great job on it. The fabric and paint are so great together. I am sure it will sell quickly.
Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures
beautiful, you are so talented!
Jesus I'd say you won the award for doing the most in the time constraint you had…BRAVO!! this chair is brilliant and I LOVE the blue!! Thank you again for letting me twist you're arm 🙂
LOOKIN GOOD!!!!! Love the color and the POP of Pizzazzzzzz!
What a transformation. I so love the color you choose. If I am just in the US, by hook or by crook, that chair is mine, §:-)
Happy Friday and w/end ahead.
/CC girl
I am impressed with how well you matched that oversized pattern. Both the color and the fabric choice were great.
Beautiful and yes I think innards is a perfectly good word.
The chair looks amazing! Thanks for the great tutorial, and the inspiration. I'll bet it sells fast in your shop.
Visiting from Our Home Away From Home. xo Babs
oh my word TAMI!!!!!!!! You were right, this IS a MUST SEE AFTER!!!! Amazing, I love it, and I have a similar chair that I totally want to do this to now. Lovvvve the fabric and color.
most viewed last week – featured on Kammy's Korner! 🙂
That really turned out beautiful. You did a great job on it.for better knowledge you will find more similar products here coolrattanfurniture.com
Jaw Drop! You brought so much life into that old dingey chair! I cant wait to see more projects like this one! New follower 🙂
xoxo Kylie
Love it! What type of top coat do you use on wicker? I've had trouble with flaking when using spray paint on wicker.
Wow!!! This is way more than an update with spray paint, it is a completely different chair! I love that you are mad that you paid for it. That would have been so me!!! I need that DIY kick in the butt. I uh, just started a MAJOR upholstery job on a chair (ifoundnexttoadumpster) but it was gorgeous (in my mind). Also in my mind, it will be finished by the end of next week. With lots of little project completed in between. Yep, that's life in my mind.
I just adore this color! And the chair looks comfy, always a bonus!
This chair is so much fun and I especially love the fabric you used. What an inspiring transformation!
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