My youngest was begging for me to buy her some TOMS Glitter Shoes so that she could be just like her big sisters. I am just not willing to pay the $42 for toddler TOMS that she would grow out of in a month or so, so I was excited when I found these shoes at the Dollar Store.
One Dollar Folks!!!
I purchased two pairs, pink and black. She wore them for awhile (as you can see) until one day out of the blue she informed me that they were not glittery enough! She wanted them to sparkle like her sister’s. (One sister has pink and the other black).

So in a desperate attempt to please her I racked my brain and decided I would glitter them myself. I know this approach will not last long but these little shoes are almost at the end of their life anyway so I gave it a try.
First I taped off the shoes with painters tape.

Next, I sprayed Red Krylon Glitter Blast on them in my home-made spray painting box. I already had the Glitter Blast on hand so was definitely a bonus in the finance department. That Krylon Glitter Blast goes a LONG way and it’s so much fun to work with.

And here they are again. Very cute I must say and Miss Priss was very excited to wear them!

… and wanted to pose in them.

Again, not sure how long they will last and if there are any scuffs later on I can just re-spray a little here and there! Either way she is happy TODAY and that’s what makes me smile!

Not too bad for a Dollar!
~The Dollar Store Decorator~P.S. That’s me…SHHHH! I would love for you to follow along over there as well!
Happy Treasure Hunting!
One week later. Miss Priss has scuffed these up pretty bad but they were very easy to spray over on the scuffed spots. This time I also sprayed over them with a coat of clear gloss spray, just for a little added protection. We’ll see what happens. Still can’t go wrong for a dollar, right?!?
Ha! Those are awesome! So stinkin cute!
Cute – how's the texture on the finished product?
Super Cute! Visiting from The Porch Parade.
~Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva
Super cute.
What dollar store were those from. I wish ours had those. 🙂
What a great idea! They are just too cute! Thank you so much for linking up!
Stop it! How did you get her to pose like that?! Adoreable. I miss you guys.
I need to make these for my daughter, she loves,loves,loves glitter & bling!!
These are AWESOME! I love the idea of redoing shoes. Will you do me a favor and add my button so I can feature you?
One Chatty Chic
This is great!!! I love them and for $1 you cannot go wrong!! This is being featured today at {Junk in their Trunk}…thanks for linking up!!
HAHA!!!! I LOVE the dollar store. This made my day. Great work. Did you seal the glitter on? {would that even work?!}
Sooooo cute! I love them! Visiting via 320 Sycamore!
How cute Tami! She is adorable:)
what an awesome idea! I have never heard of Toms? I need to get out more 🙂
Which Dollar Store? Love them!!!!