Hello again! Thanks for sticking around during my break. I hope you have been inspired while my blog friends have graciously Taken Over My Blog – Curb Alert!
I am super excited to share with you this week some posts from my friend Julie. She blogs over at Redheadcandecorate.com. I have been so inspired by her decorating talents and the more I get to know I feel blessed as she has inspired me in many other areas.
Here is one of her latest projects that I think is so clever and cute! Check it out!
Well Hello my little Spring time birdies!
We spent the day at the park on Saturday and took our girls on a tour of our first apartment complex. It’s been almost 20 years since we had seen the inside of the building leading to our first “pad”.
The girls were shocked to see where Mama use to do laundry.
The coin slotted machines and basement in the building still looked the same.
Nothing like visiting your past to see how far you have traveled.
I totally recommend it if you are able.
Sometimes going backwards for a little while can help define where you are, going forward.
You may have noticed that redheadcandecorate.com still looks pretty much the same.
You may be wondering why my blog hasn’t transferred over to WordPress like I promised.
Well, I have good news, and I have good news.
Yes…I wrote it twice.
The good news is the transfer is still taking place.
The other good news is that I found 2 amazing people that are helping me get there.
There are good people out there that sincerely want to help others even when the task at hand may be quite a lengthy one.
So be on the look out…
it will be soon.
In the mean time…
lets go play with a garden hose, shall we?
Redhead is in the house!

I first came across the wreath on a friend’s blog…her name is Jill,and she blogs over at Create Craft Love.
She is one talented lady! This is her version:
I think it’s quite possibly the cutest wreath I have ever seen.
It’s the unexpected surprise when you walk up to the door.
The, “holy moly is that a hose on Red’s door” feeling. It’s clever, funny, Spring like, and EASY!
It can stay there for the Summer too.
You have got to try this.
Here’s how I did mine:
I actually had this spare hose in the garage. It was buy one, get one free at Home Depot last year.
Hey, you never know when you will need an extra hose!
It was a rather long hose, so I cut the middle section out of it,and taped the ends together with strong mailing tape.
Next, I secured it with a cable tie (love those things).
Lastly, I tied on some decorations with ribbon from Easter.
The gloves I found at the grocery store and I had the pretty humming bird.
I stuck some fresh tulips in there and that was it.
She got rave reviews at our daughter’s birthday party.
Go grab a hose. There’s still time to make this. ~ Julie
So cute, right? Just an update, Julie’s transfer that she mentioned about is now complete! Go check out her new look at Redheadcandecorate.com and be sure to browse around awhile so you don’t miss pics of her beautiful home!
Thanks again Julie for agreeing to :